PARAPAR@`ÿÿÿÿÿÿüTEXT`îUsing Her Heritage on the Macintosh This section describes how to use Her HeritageÑand all Pilgrim multimedia applicationsÑon Apple Macintosh computers. It serves as a tutorial for new users and as an on-line reference for those with more experience. To continue, press the right cursor key (the one with the arrow pointing to the right). To skip over this section or to go to a table of contents, click on one of options below: ¥ [Skip to] Introduction ¥ [Return to] Table of Contents Ústyl`5ª5ª5ª$5ª%!IG!IS!Iý 5ªþ!I !IÖ!IÖ!!IÖ%!I± 5ª² !IÞµ !I¿ !IË !IÌ 5ªÞÍ !IÞÐ !IÜ !Ií !`HYPR²ËHYPRÍí